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Shopping Centers
White House
1311 SE 20th Rd, Miami, FL 33035- Rooms: 5
- Beds: Backlit
- Area: 20ft X 40ft
Manufactured Housing
School House
1311 SE 20th Rd, Miami, FL 33035- Rooms: 5
- Beds: Digital Screen
- Area: 20X10 FL
Manufactured Housing
Orchard House
1311 SE 20th Rd, Miami, FL 33035- Rooms: 5
- Beds: Nonlit
- Area: 20X10 FL
Manufactured Housing
Meadow View
1311 SE 20th Rd, Miami, FL 33035- Rooms: 5
- Beds: Nonlit
- Area: 20X10 FL
Manufactured Housing
Corner House
1311 SE 20th Rd, Miami, FL 33035- Rooms: 5
- Beds: Digital Screen
- Area: 20X10 FL BOTH SIDE
Shopping Centers
Primrose Cottage
1311 SE 20th Rd, Miami, FL 33035- Rooms: 5
- Beds: LED
- Area: 30X20 NL
Shopping Centers
1311 SE 20th Rd, Miami, FL 33035- Rooms: 5
- Beds: Digital Screen
- Area: 20X10 BL
Shopping Centers
The Willows
1311 SE 20th Rd, Miami, FL 33035- Rooms: 5
- Beds: Digital Screen
- Area: 20X20 NL
Shopping Centers
The Old Vicarage
1311 SE 20th Rd, Miami, FL 33035- Rooms: 5
- Beds: Backlit
- Area: 30X20 FL
Shopping Centers
conversion properties
1311 SE 20th Rd, Miami, FL 33035- Rooms: 5
- Beds: Frontlit
- Area: 40X20 NL
Shopping Centers
Yew Tree Cottage
1311 SE 20th Rd, Miami, FL 33035- Rooms: 5
- Beds: Backlit
- Area: 20X20 NL
Business Property
Lilac Cottage
1311 SE 20th Rd, Miami, FL 33035- Rooms: 5
- Beds: Backlit
- Area: 40X20 NL
Manufactured Housing
The Hollies
1311 SE 20th Rd, Miami, FL 33035- Rooms: 5
- Beds: Nonlit
- Area: 800x900
Manufactured Housing
Rose Cottage
1311 SE 20th Rd, Miami, FL 33035- Rooms: 5
- Beds: Nonlit
- Area: 1200x1200
Ivy House
214 Blairmore Blvd, Miami, Florida, United States- Rooms: 5
- Beds: Nonlit
- Area: 4ft X 37ft
Shopping Centers
White House
24093 SW 109th Ave, Miami, Florida, United States- Rooms: 5
- Beds: Backlit
- Area: 20ft X 40ft
Shopping Centers
5701 SW 38th Ct, Miami, Florida, United States- Rooms: 5
- Beds: Backlit
- Area: 20ft,30ft
Shopping Centers
5118 Lobelia Dr, Miami, Florida, United States- Rooms: 5
- Beds: Frontlit
- Area: 45*45
Manufactured Housing
School House
2249 Hammock Oaks Dr N, Bartow, Florida, United States- Rooms: 5
- Beds: Digital Screen
- Area: 20X10 FL
Manufactured Housing
Orchard House
1431 Indian River Ave, Bartow, Florida, United States- Rooms: 5
- Beds: Nonlit
- Area: 20X10 FL
Manufactured Housing
Meadow View
1311 SE 20th Rd, Bartow, Florida, United States- Rooms: 5
- Beds: Nonlit
- Area: 20X10 FL
Manufactured Housing
Corner House
6504 Abaco Dr UNIT 101, Bartow, Florida, United States- Rooms: 5
- Beds: Digital Screen
- Area: 20X10 FL BOTH SIDE
Power Plants
Toad Hall
610 NW 70th Ter, Bartow, Florida, United States- Rooms: 5
- Beds: Backlit
- Area: 1250
The Old Post Office
24093 SW 109th Ave, Titusville, Florida, United States- Rooms: 5
- Beds: Backlit
- Area: 120*450
Shopping Centers
Old School
24093 SW 109th Ave, Titusville, Florida, United States- Rooms: 5
- Beds: LED
- Area: 30X20 NL
Shopping Centers
Oak Barn
5118 Lobelia Dr, Titusville, Florida, United States- Rooms: 5
- Beds: LED
- Area: 40X20 NL
Shopping Centers
The Mill House
5118 Lobelia Dr, Miami, Florida, United States- Rooms: 5
- Beds: LED
- Area: 35X10 BL
Shopping Centers
The Old Rectory
2249 Hammock Oaks Dr N, Miami, Florida, United States- Rooms: 5
- Beds: LED
- Area: 40X20 NL
Shopping Centers
6504 Abaco Dr UNIT 101, Miami, Florida, United States- Rooms: 5
- Beds: Backlit
- Area: 40X40 FL
Shopping Centers
13304 Whitby Rd, Miami, Florida, United States- Rooms: 5
- Beds: LED
- Area: 40X40 FL
Shopping Centers
610 NW 70th Ter, Miami, Florida, United States- Rooms: 5
- Beds: LED
- Area: 25X15 NL
Shopping Centers
Primrose Cottage
5701 SW 38th Ct, Miami, Florida, United States- Rooms: 5
- Beds: LED
- Area: 30X20 NL
Shopping Centers
214 Blairmore Blvd, Miami, Florida, United States- Rooms: 5
- Beds: Digital Screen
- Area: 20X10 BL
Shopping Centers
The Willows
610 NW 70th Ter, Miami, Florida, United States- Rooms: 5
- Beds: Digital Screen
- Area: 20X20 NL
Shopping Centers
The Old Vicarage
610 NW 70th Ter, Miami, Florida, United States- Rooms: 5
- Beds: Backlit
- Area: 30X20 FL
Shopping Centers
The Barn
2249 Hammock Oaks Dr N, Miami, Florida, United States- Rooms: 5
- Beds: Frontlit
- Area: 40X20 NL
Shopping Centers
conversion properties
2249 Hammock Oaks Dr N, Miami, Florida, United States- Rooms: 5
- Beds: Frontlit
- Area: 40X20 NL
Shopping Centers
214 Blairmore Blvd, Miami, Florida, United States- Rooms: 5
- Beds: Frontlit
- Area: 20X20 NL
Shopping Centers
24093 SW 109th Ave, Miami, Florida, United States- Rooms: 5
- Beds: Frontlit
- Area: 40X20 FL
Shopping Centers
610 NW 70th Ter, Miami, Florida, United States- Rooms: 5
- Beds: Frontlit
- Area: 19X9 BL
Shopping Centers
Yew Tree Cottage
13304 Whitby Rd, Miami, Florida, United States- Rooms: 5
- Beds: Backlit
- Area: 20X20 NL
Shopping Centers
24093 SW 109th Ave, Miami, Florida, United States- Rooms: 5
- Beds: Backlit
- Area: 40X20 FL
Shopping Centers
610 NW 70th Ter, Miami, Florida, United States- Rooms: 5
- Beds: Frontlit
- Area: 80X10 NL
Business Property
Lilac Cottage
5701 SW 38th Ct, Miami, Florida, United States- Rooms: 5
- Beds: Backlit
- Area: 40X20 NL
Shopping Centers
5118 Lobelia Dr, Miami, Florida, United States- Rooms: 5
- Beds: Frontlit
- Area: 40X20 NL
Shopping Centers
5118 Lobelia Dr, Miami, Florida, United States- Rooms: 5
- Beds: Frontlit
- Area: 40X20 FL
Shopping Centers
6504 Abaco Dr UNIT 101, Miami, Florida, United States- Rooms: 5
- Beds: Backlit
- Area: 30X20 NL
Shopping Centers
5118 Lobelia Dr, Miami, Florida, United States- Rooms: 5
- Beds: Frontlit
- Area: 560x600
Manufactured Housing
The Hollies
24093 SW 109th Ave, Miami, Florida, United States- Rooms: 5
- Beds: Nonlit
- Area: 800x900
Shopping Centers
13304 Whitby Rd, Miami, Florida, United States- Rooms: 5
- Beds: Backlit
- Area: 800x700
Shopping Centers
610 NW 70th Ter, Miami, Florida, United States- Rooms: 5
- Beds: Frontlit
- Area: 550x660
Manufactured Housing
24093 SW 109th Ave, Miami, Florida, United States- Rooms: 5
- Beds: Backlit
- Area: 300x500
Shopping Centers
6504 Abaco Dr UNIT 101, Miami, Florida, United States- Rooms: 5
- Beds: Frontlit
- Area: 2000x1000
Manufactured Housing
Rose Cottage
6504 Abaco Dr UNIT 101, Miami, Florida, United States- Rooms: 5
- Beds: Nonlit
- Area: 1200x1200
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